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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Extra wide flood

achieves ­uniform illumination with high vertical illuminances for good facial recognition in flexible room concepts.


Wide flood

ensures ­glare-free light with high illuminances that is ideally suited for efficient general lighting in rooms with high ceilings.


Oval flood

enables ­linear light distribution to mark out pathways for guidance and orientation.


Oval wide flood

delivers light quality of superior standard with high ­vertical ­illuminances, supporting visual tasks such as concentrated desk work.



produces exceptionally good uniformity on vertical ­surfaces, resulting in an expansive spatial ­impression, with a calm atmosphere and a sophisticated character.


In the foyer

Bright ­vertical surfaces with zonal illumination create an ambience that offers visitors a ­friendly welcome in a prestigious setting whilst guiding them through the architecture, and particularly, high rooms.

In the gallery

Uniform vertical illuminance enhances the impression of brightness in the room, ­facilitating a memorable experience of art when using low illuminance ­levels – contributing significantly to the preservation of sensitive artwork.

In the lift lobby

Clear orienta­tion promotes a sense of well­being when entering the room. Light can be used to divide and interpret the interior through brightness contrasts, using illuminated walls, light islands and linear floor lighting to establish a visual hierarchy that separates individual zones from each ­other and guides the visitor through the room.

In the hallway

Vertical illuminance gives narrow hallways a higher and more spacious appearance and, what is more, conveys a sense of secu­rity, ­particularly in windowless spaces.

In the restaurant

Be it business lunch, a relaxed night out with friends or the dinner for two – glare-free, brilliant light creates a pleasant atmosphere at the table. The light mood throughout the room can be matched to the gastronomic occasion with uniform wallwashing or directed accents.

In the auditorium

Light helps to communicate the essence of lectures, press conferences and seminars. Besides focusing on the stage using tools such as uniform washlighting of the wall behind, a primary concern is good facial recognition – at the lectern and in the audience. Wide light distributions ­create balanced contrasts with flicker-­free light for optimum filming performance.

Extra wide flood

achieves ­uniform illumination with high vertical illuminances for good facial recognition in flexible room concepts.

Wide flood

ensures ­glare-free light with high illuminances that is ideally suited for efficient general lighting in rooms with high ceilings.

Oval flood

enables ­linear light distribution to mark out pathways for guidance and orientation.

Oval wide flood

delivers light quality of superior standard with high ­vertical ­illuminances, supporting visual tasks such as concentrated desk work.


produces exceptionally good uniformity on vertical ­surfaces, resulting in an expansive spatial ­impression, with a calm atmosphere and a sophisticated character.