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Career starters

What great opportunities! You've just completed your studies or training, you want to start your professional life from scratch and you can get going like a real " achiever". We give you the opportunity to show what you're made of. And especially if you're enthusiastic about new topics and like to try things out. Discover for yourself everything that's possible at ERCO.

Career starters
Career starters

Development perspectives...

As a career starter at ERCO we offer you a familiarisation programme lasting several weeks through all relevant company divisions, in which you get to know all contact persons, processes and interfaces for your successful start. Together with your supervisor, you will also plan your individual professional familiarisation.
Our annual development meeting serves as a pointer for your personal development and the future topics in your area, in which concrete targets and development measures are agreed upon.

Career starters

...with individual support

Individual qualifications are supported by financial support or individual agreements on working hours.
If you'd like to network further within the company and broaden your horizons, we can offer you among other things our Young Wild Ones promotion programme, for which you can apply.

Career starters
Career starters

Digitisation as a future topic and driver

In the course of digitalisation, all systems involved in value creation are becoming increasingly networked. ERCO invests purposefully in platforms and systems to increasingly network processes and its own products. The entire process chain, from pre-sales and the provision of digital information to the sales process, supply chain and after-sales processes is taken into account and optimised for the digital transformation.
We have already taken the first steps successfully. Now it's a question of moving on. In doing so we place full trust in our employees, who are keen on accepting responsibility and are not shy of new developments.

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