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Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin

Built in the early 18th century, the Deutsche Dom is considered one of the landmarks of Berlin. Located on Gendarmenmarkt, the historic square in the heart of Berlin is defined by the symmetrical domed roofs of the German and French Cathedrals.

No longer used as a place of worship, the structure in neo-baroque style now houses changing political exhibitions hosted under the auspices of the German Parliament. Since 28 November 2013 an exhibition entitled “Wege, Irrwege, Umwege - die Entwicklung der parlamentarischen Demokratie in Deutschland” illustrates the historical development of parliamentary democracy in Germany and includes aspects such as interactive role play in plenary sessions. Up to 50 participants have opportunity to assume the persona of members of the German parliament. Equipping the historical rooms with ERCO lighting tools at the behest of the Bundestag adds further to our engagement with parliamentary architecture – ERCO has been illuminating the German Reichstag since 1999.

Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin
Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin
Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin
Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin
Exhibition space at Deutscher Dom church, Berlin




Planning light

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