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FrischeParadies, Stuttgart, Munich, Germany

FrischeParadies GmbH & Co. KG opens new store in Stuttgart

Differentiated lighting design facilitates in-store orientation and attracts the customer’s attention with eye-catching product displays: Located over 1,000 square metres, the new market store of FrischeParadies GmbH & Co. KG in Stuttgart showcases the vast creative scope of ERCO LED spotlights and downlights.

As Germany’s largest speciality market and supplier of gourmet foods, FrischeParadies GmbH & Co. KG, operates stores in cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, offering restaurateurs and private customers a selection of over 12,000 delicacies. Fish and seafood form its most important product group, followed by meat, as well as fresh fruit and vegetables, fine spirits, and much more. Customers can also enjoy tasty delicacies on the premises in FrischeParadies bistros.

Designed to the highest standards: architecture, interior design and lighting

Architecture firm ROBERTNEUN™ ARCHITEKTEN GMBH was appointed in 2000 to mastermind the redesign of all FrischeParadies markets in Germany. Existing stores have since been refurbished or upgraded, and new markets added. "The original, neon-lit storage facilities were remodelled over time to include customer areas and consistently improved in design and aesthetics," says architect Tom Friedrich of ROBERTNEUN™ ARCHITEKTEN. "As a result, the lighting developed away from a diffuse and insufficiently differentiated concept to a qualitative, perception-orientated approach.” ROBERTNEUN™ ARCHITEKTEN are also behind the design of the striking new FrischeParadies store completed in summer 2016 at a business park in Stuttgart. The 3,950-square-metre facility has four distinct halls which the architects designed to provide four separate clear span spaces accommodating a storeroom, an order picking hall, a dry storage facility and the actual market store with some 1,000 square metres of floor space and a ceiling rising up to ten metres under airy lantern roofs. Plenty of daylight, large glass sections on the front walls, an impressive timber framed roof structure made of untreated wooden trusses on exposed concrete walls as well as sealed concrete flooring give the store’s interior a modern, industrial character. "The black track system installed at a height of 3.50 metres blends beautifully with the whole aesthetics," says designer Tom Friedrich. ERCO Optec spotlights in black mounted on the track "create a calm and smooth ceiling appearance and blend into the background.”

Easy in-store orientation: Different perceptual hierarchies

The lighting concept of the new, spacious gourmet food store builds on the principles of perception-orientated lighting design. In addition to the required minimum levels of ambient lighting and LED light strips in furniture and cooling cabinets, the designers used accent lighting to emphasise and draw attention to certain objects, surfaces and spatial zones, whereas secondary aspects are toned down by applying a lower lighting level, thereby creating hierarchies of perception that facilitate orientation in the store and focus the customer's attention onto the vast array of products.

The black track system on which the Optec spotlights are mounted recedes altogether from the customer’s perception, leaving the light to direct the focus entirely onto the FrischeParadies delicatessen and fine foods. Flexibly aligned along the track, the ERCO Optec spotlights effectively emphasise individual spatial zones and product displays, using warm white light (3000K) with narrow spot (6W), spot, flood or wide flood (19W) light distribution throughout the store, with the exception of the fish counter. At 500lx, the Optec spotlights with wide flood distribution illuminating the cashiers’ desk meet the current standards for workplace lighting.

Not all LEDs are the same. ERCO light creates a pleasant atmosphere.


ERCO Optec LED spotlights: efficient, flexible, versatile

In versions with different light distributions, Optec meets all the requirements of lighting in high-end retail stores and restaurants – high-contrast accent lighting, floodlighting of individual areas or sharp-edged beams for striking effects. With innovative photometrics, Optec combines efficiency with visual comfort, attaining sufficient illuminances in the large store with only 19W per luminaire. "Low connected loads translate into reduced operating costs," designer Tom Friedrich is pleased to announce. "In the end, it was the cost effectiveness analysis conducted by ERCO in the early stages, as well as the energy efficiency and guaranteed longevity of the products, that tipped the scales for our client. The initial cost may seem quite high, but in the long run ERCO LED lighting tools actually save money” Using just one range of spotlights throughout the new FrischeParadies store in Stuttgart, the designers created a perception-orientated lighting concept based on directed accents for appropriate contrast and a calm ceiling appearance. Mounted at great height, the Optec spotlights are designed for maximum visual comfort, using a lens system with precise projection that guides the light exactly where it is needed.

ERCO LED lighting tools offer natural colour rendering as a feature and unique selling point

"Not all LEDs are the same," insists Tom Friedrich. "We have already had very good experiences using ERCO LED lighting tools in the relighting project for Dussmann das Kulturkaufhaus in Berlin. There is a brilliance and clarity to ERCO light that creates a pleasant atmosphere without feeling uncomfortably cold. This is why we also recommended the high-quality ERCO products to our current client.” The Optec spotlights in the FrischeParadies store are equipped with 3000K LEDs, as warm white light has a different spectral distribution to neutral white light, presenting the quality of the gourmet foods to perfection – excellent colour rendering is essential, particularly for meat products. The ERCO LED lighting tools used in the store offer superior colour rendering properties (Ra ≥ 90) as a unique feature, guaranteeing that the products are shown in their true colours. The area around the fish counter, which is located in a niche just below the adjacent office level at one side, is equipped with Quadra downlights in 24W neutral white (4000K), which renders the cooler shades from white to blue in crisp colours, giving the fine fish and seafood products in this area a fresh and appetising appearance. The wall behind the fish counter is accentuated using Quadra lens wallwashers, whilst Quadra with extra wide flood lens illuminate the display counter. With a shallow recess depth and excellent visual comfort Quadra recessed luminaires are ideal for use in a retail context.

ERCO LED spotlights and downlights: Perfect illumination for high-end shops and restaurants

The differentiated lighting concept designed by ROBERTNEUN™ ARCHITEKTEN for the stunning architecture and interior design of the new Stuttgart store of FrischeParadies GmbH & Co. KG gives structure to the spacious interior, emphasising distinct zones and making it easier for customers to find their bearings in an expanse of nearly 1,000 square metres. ERCO LED lighting tools direct attention onto the appealing gourmet foods presented brilliantly in light designed to unlock the customers’ desire to buy.

FrischeParadies, Stuttgart

About the author

Kristina Raderschad has run an editorial office in Cologne since 2005. A qualified interior designer (Dipl.-Ing.), her articles, reports and interviews on architecture and design are published worldwide – in magazines such as AD Architectural Digest, A&W, ELLE DECORATION, HÄUSER, MARK or WALLPAPER*.

Luminaires used

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