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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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The most effective lighting tools on the market

We develop luminaires and other types of lighting that are absolutely effective. Light should only be used where it is needed – meaning not all over the place and thus wastefully throughout the complete room.

The effectiveness of a lighting installation considers the light in its application and is defined by the precision of the luminaires used. It is distinct from efficiency as an indicator of the pure energy conversion from electricity to light. The high efficiency of a luminaire alone, expressed in lumens per watt (lm/W), does not by itself make it an ideal tool for sustainable lighting concepts. ERCO considers both metrics within product development: Efficiency through the use of the best LEDs and in-house developed operating electronics for especially low energy consumption. Coupled with effectiveness from high-precision photometric systems also developed by us. The crucial factor here is the quantity of light reaching the surface to be illuminated for a given connected load – i.e. the ratio of illuminance to connected load in lux per watt (lx/W).

To make an efficient luminaire into a luminaire that is effective in its application, precise, dedicated optical systems are needed that direct the light precisely onto the target surface without light spill. Only in this way is it possible to implement effective zonal lighting concepts that, in contrast to normal planar lighting, only use light where human perception requires it. The lighting technology of almost all our luminaires is based on the principle of projecting the light via lenses. This makes them up to 20% more effective than conventional luminaires with reflector technology.

50% more light on the target surface

Sustainable lighting is more than just looking at the efficiency of a luminaire in lm/W. Whether for accent lighting, uniform wallwashing or the illumination of office workstations—the decisive factor is how effectively the expended electrical energy is utilized, i.e. how much light reaches the target surface (in Fc/W).


ERCO represents the most effective lighting tools and methods of lighting on the market. A comparison with the competition shows: with a similar connected load, Parscan for example achieves a significantly higher illuminance. This means Parscan brings visibly and measurably more light to the target surface and is therefore more effective than other spotlights.


Learn more about the use of effective lighting: Read more about why wallwashing is a key part of sustainable lighting design and get to know the significant advantages of zoned office lighting in this specialist article.

No spill light, no wasted light

Electric lighting supplements natural daylight, and energy is needed for the purpose. This resource must be used responsibly. Our proprietary lens technology is the basis for optics that project light precisely onto the target surface. The distribution of the luminaire thus has no disturbing spill light and is therefore up to 60% more effective than conventional methods of light control which use reflector technology.

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Case studies: Sustainable lighting in practice

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