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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
  • 中文

Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/50Hz-60Hz.

Guiding and leading with light

How does light help to safely and quickly achieve a destination?

Showing the way with light

Finding your way about in large public buildings such as civil authorities, universities, railway stations and airports is a major challenge. To enable visitors and users to move around buildings in a reliable and safe way, circulation routes and areas such as stairways and lift foyers should be visually emphasized. Linear lighting is highly suitable for marking routes. Routes into the distance such as corridors or steps should not lead into darkness: vertical lighting helps here to mark the destination point and make it recognizable from a distance.

Showing the way with light

Finding your way about in large public buildings such as civil authorities, universities, railway stations and airports is a major challenge. To enable visitors and users to move around buildings in a reliable and safe way, circulation routes and areas such as stairways and lift foyers should be visually emphasized. Linear lighting is highly suitable for marking routes. Routes into the distance such as corridors or steps should not lead into darkness: vertical lighting helps here to mark the destination point and make it recognizable from a distance.

ERCO light guide: Community

Planning tips for design and technology


Visual comfort via glare control

How can the quality of light be optimized?

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The importance of lumen maintenance

The advantages of durable luminaires

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Light for large surfaces: room height 3-5m

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

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Lighting circulation areas

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

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Luminaire spacing in general lighting

Advantages of differentiated light distributions

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Case study: Community

Lighting design by comparison

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Light for large surfaces: room height 5-10m

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

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Find out more about lighting design, luminaire arrangements and light and luminaire technology with a single click.

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Planning light

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