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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
  • 中文

Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/50Hz-60Hz.

Radiance and illumination

Radiance and illumination

Leuchtende Flächen bewirken durch die diffuse Lichtstreuung ein weiches Licht im Raum. Beleuchtung mit gerichtetem Licht erlaubt hingegen Formen, Materialien und Texturen plastischer mit harten Schatten zur Geltung zu bringen. Die Beleuchtung mit scharf begrenzten Lichtkegeln gestattet, Zonen zur Gliederung des Raumes oder als Blickfang zu definieren.

Als leuchtende Elemente dienen der Vorhang und leuchtende Möbel. Das durch den Vorhang einfallende Licht erweckt die Assoziation von Tageslicht, das durch die Fassade scheint und zu einem natürlichen Raumeindruck führt. Zum Beleuchten kommen Deckeneinbauleuchten zum Einsatz. Im Gegensatz zu leuchtenden Flächen, bei denen eine Aufhellung unmittelbar vor der Leuchtfläche entsteht, lässt sich bei der Beleuchtung mithilfe von Reflektoren das Licht über eine Distanz auf Gegenstände lenken.

Radiance and illumination

Radiance and illumination

Luminous surfaces produce a soft light in the room through the diffuse dispersion of light. By contrast, illumination with directed light allows the three-dimensionality of shapes, materials and textures to be emphasised through stronger shadows.

Radiance and illumination


Luminous surfaces produce a soft light in the room through the diffuse dispersion of light.

Radiance and illumination


By contrast, illumination with directed light allows the three-dimensionality of shapes, materials and textures to be emphasised through stronger shadows.

Radiance and illumination

Light and textiles: Backlighting

Backlit textiles can appear to be selfilluminating. In such situations, the structure of the fabric is clearly recognisable and the material appears to be transparent. If the luminance is increased behind fine textiles, they can become difficult to recognise due to the surface brightness resulting in the perception of detail being reduced.

Radiance and illumination

Light and textiles: Recessed lighting

Projecting grazing light across the curtains clearly reveals the folds through the interplay of light and shadow giving the textile more body. The recessed lighting produces a strong graduation of illuminance levels resulting in the curtain appearing less uniformly illuminated than when backlit.

Radiance and illumination

Light and textiles: Wallwashing

By using wallwashers, the curtain is once again uniformly illuminated with the shadows effectively revealing the three-dimensional texture.

Radiance and illumination


Objects placed in front of a luminous surface will quickly appear to be twodimensional as they are silhouetted. In such situations, providing additional illumination from above or from the side can enhance the shape of the object. This will also produce shadow, which makes the object appear to be more connected to the surface on which it is placed.

Radiance and illumination

Silhouette with additional illumination

Objects placed in front of a luminous surface will quickly appear to be twodimensional as they are silhouetted. In such situations, providing additional illumination from above or from the side can enhance the shape of the object. This will also produce shadow, which makes the object appear to be more connected to the surface on which it is placed.

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