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Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

MONA, the Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart, Tasmania is truly more than a museum: People can explore art and exhibitions but also enjoy live music, bars and restaurants, even use a library or recording studio. Designing the lighting concept for this multifunctional space was quite complex and required a collaboration between lighting designer, exhibition designers, curators and artists. The museum’s unconventional approach to exhibitions required innovative and flexible lighting solutions. Those were realized with versatile Parscan spotlights with different track solutions from pendant hi-trac tracks to singlets. Outdoors Tesis in-ground luminaires are used to illuminate the playground area to provide guidance and good orientation.

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Erwin Wurm, Fat Car (2006)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Toby Ziegler, Your Shadow Rising (2018)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Artist in Residence MONA, Chris Downes (2023)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Julius Popp, bit.code (2009) / Thomas Huber, Abyss (2015)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Lighting designer Adam Meredith

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Tom Otterness, Girls Rule (2016-2018)

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Mona - Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania

Luminaires used

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