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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/50Hz-60Hz.

Hotel Nixe

The boutique hotel with a mixture of classic resort style and contemporary architecture uses a differentiated lighting concept for indoor and outdoor areas.

Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe

Tourism on the Baltic island of Rügen is doubtless one of the success stories of the German reunification. Since 1989, Germany's largest island has been steadily regaining its deserved status as a holiday destination. Seaside towns such as Binz, Sellin, Göhren and Sassnitz sound as if they come from the times of the Kaiser, when Rügen was the preferred summer resort of Berlin's gentry. The typical, seaside-resort architecture, which is influenced by Art Nouveau and characterises the atmosphere of these places, also dates back to this era. Fortunately, entrepreneurs and caterers turned up, who, recognising the value of this heritage, awoke many a sleeping beauty from its 100-year sleep or rescued it from ruin.

Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe

Midipoll bollard luminaires provide lighting on the terrace and in the park, while also acting as a design element delineating these areas.

Prominent location: even at night, the Hotel Nixe on the southern beach promenade of Binz is a real eye-catcher. The building is scenically illuminated by Beamer projectors and by LED-equipped Kubus and Focalflood varychrome facade luminaires.

Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe
Hotel Nixe

The lighting concept in the restaurant uses highly shielded Starpoint downlights in surface-mounted and pendent versions, together with Optec spotlights and indirect lighting from Trion uplights. A Light System DALI installation ensures the lighting is always right for the situation.


niXe designhotel binz
Strandpromenade 10
18609 Ostseebad Binz

Telephone: +49 38393-66620-0
Fax: +49 38393-66620-20




Planning light

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