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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
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Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf’s established fashion boutique Eickhoff implemented a window display concept at the time of the international retail trade fair EuroShop with a design indulging in a similar flight of fancy as art of the French Surrealism movement. Areas in the window are used to stage different urban scenarios: The summer collections of international high-end labels are modelled by mannequins posing among mere hints of architectural elements under a clear blue sky.

For attention, Eickhoff employs a trick used in theatre construction. Two-dimensional structures of the backdrop simulate an extreme perspective, giving the appearance of greater depth than the narrow window space actually allows.
The play with the dimensions is underlined with even greater graphic force by a range of ERCO lighting tools: The mannequins in the foreground are accentuated in warm white light using conventional luminaires, the neutral white LED light of Lightboard and Opton, meanwhile, provides crisp illumination for the backdrop. Reminiscent of a painting by René Magritte, the sky as a result shines crystal clear in radiant blue, as the pastel tones of the graphic urban backdrop discreetly recede into the background leaving the spotlight on the products displayed.

Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf
Eickhoff fashion store, Düsseldorf




Planning light

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