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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
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Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm

State-of-the-art lighting technology in former light bulb factory

The address could not be more apt: The new ERCO showroom in Stockholm is located at Ljusslingan 1, which translates as “Light Loop”. In recent years, the “Luma Park” has come to be seen as the new centre of Sweden’s creative industry.

Since the 1990s, the picturesque area around the Luma Park at Hammarby Lake has been a massive development project initiated by the City of Stockholm. Formerly industrial in nature, it is now transformed into an attractive working and living environment with focus on ecology and the creative industry, complemented by a conference centre, cultural facilities, restaurants, shops and green spaces. By 2017 the district will offer 12,000 new homes and 10,000 workplaces. ERCO recently opened its latest showroom here, in buildings filled with history. Formerly housing the Lumafabriken, once the biggest light bulb factory in Sweden, the ensemble was erected in functionalism style between 1929 and 1930 based on plans drawn up by architects Artur von Schmalensee and Eskil Sundahl. The showroom officially opened here just recently was designed by architect Philip Bergerhoff. At this historic site ERCO now presents state-of-the-art lighting tools based fully on LED technology.

Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm

ERCO’s showroom extends over two floors and is divided into two sections. The ground floor serves to welcome visitors and hold training events. It accommodates the mock-up room, which is used for the hands-on, experiential demonstration and testing of ERCO lighting tools. The first floor is occupied by offices for ERCO employees. ERCO opted for neutral white in its office. It gives the premises a fresh and activating feel comparable to the effect of daylight. A further criterion for the lighting concept was to maximise the output of light from each luminaire using a minimum number of luminaires. As primary lighting tools, ERCO chose the optimally shielded recessed luminaires Compact, Quadra, Quintessence round and Skim. Special focus was given to vertical illuminance, producing exceptionally uniform results thanks to ERCO’s LED lighting technology. The wall lighting is optimised to ensure exceptionally efficient visual comfort, reducing the perception of glare in work areas whilst giving the rooms a brighter and more spacious feel. The brand-new Site in-ground luminaire lends a dramatic note to the wall texture. Its highly precise grazing light produces a relief-like effect that adds an almost tactile dimension to the historic brick walls, now painted white.

Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm
Opening of ERCO showroom, Stockholm




Planning light

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