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Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

"Zydus Cadila is renowned for its extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products and healthcare solutions. The company's corporate headquarter is situated in Ahmedabad, which is nestled in the vibrant city of Gujarat.

The office, designed by Iram Sultan Design Studio, is an architectural gem that transcends the boundaries of conventional office spaces. From collaborative workspaces that spark creativity to cozy nooks encouraging quiet contemplation, every corner is a curated blend of style and purposs with nods to its pharmaceutical background throughout the design intention.

Discover a fusion of modern aesthetics and functional brilliance lit by ERCO luminaires."

Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

To do justice to the finely crafted design features, Optec 19W spotlights line the corridors along with natural light. Adequate artificial lighting is equally crucial, providing a well-lit controlled environment, especially during darker hours such as gloomy days or night time.

Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

"Entrances and reception areas are the first opportunity for companies to express their corporate identity. Illumination plays a pivotal role here in highlighting architectural elements and displaying the company image.

Human eyesight has a natural inclination to be attracted to the brightest areas in a room. This is why accent lighting is incredibly effective in highlighting the messages, such as signages, logos, and notice boards, that a company wants to convey. By strategically illuminating key elements within the reception area, such as the reception desk and entrances/exits, accent lighting also assists with wayfinding and orientation. However, general illumination of the space is equally as important as a well-illuminated space serves to give a welcoming impression to visitors. These comprehensive lighting concepts contribute to the creation of a prestigious and welcoming atmosphere in corporate settings.

In Zydus Cadila, Compar wallwashers were used to highlight the materials utilized on the feature wall, while accent lighting was used to bring the seating area together and provide ample illumination for a comfortable and conducive conversation."

Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

Designed by Iram Sultan Design Studio, custom pieces that represent the nature of Zydus Cadila is elegantly interwoven into the work space. The door moldings feature a distinctive design depicting two halves of a broken capsule. Positioned discreetly at skirting level, these elements are intentionally subtle. The flooring inlay pattern found throughout the corridors is derived from the company logo. The bespoke design is not only unique but also contextual in multiple aspects.

Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

This cutting-edge office isn't just a workplace; it acts as an experience at the intersection of creativity, functionality, and artistic expression. Zydus Cadila proudly showcases artworks by significant Indian artists like Atul Dodiya and Arpita Singh, injecting cultural richness into the office space. Embracing the transformative power of art, Optec spotlights are used to illuminate the art pieces with expert precision, ensuring they receive the attention they deserve.

Zydus Cadila, Ahmedabad

"In essence, precise illumination of a workspace with authentic corporate representation is pivotal for brand consistency and optimal task performance. ERCO not only enhances visual comfort but also shapes the workplace's atmosphere and identity, leaving a lasting positive impression on customers, employees and suppliers.

Through discerning observation, ERCO recognizes light as a crucial component, playing a pivotal role in shaping a dynamic and flexible workspace that aligns with the organization's values, thereby enhancing the overall work experience."

Luminaires used

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