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Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Spatial patterns are the basis for geometric lighting designs which match the architecture. Distinctive spatial patterns often give an emphatic design brief for the lighting, whereas neutral surfaces and structures allow greater scope to work with lighting patterns.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 1 with regular lighting pattern

Architecture with regular structures suggests two fundamental types of lighting. The first approach is to use light to intensify the spatial impression. For instance, uplights can mark the axes of the facade and bollard luminaires match the grid pattern on the ground through both light distribution and shape.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 1 with neutral lighting pattern

The second approach is to use a neutral lighting pattern, such as a uniform facade washlighting. This leaves the spatial pattern unaffected, i.e. without adding an independent, distinct pattern of light.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Fassade 2 with neutral lighting pattern

An ideal solution for facades that have a striking design would be to use neutral lighting. The uniform brightness distribution of wallwashers is particularly suitable.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 2 with complex lighting pattern

With custom lighting solutions, the lighting can be designed to integrate into the spatial pattern. This provides the opportunity to directly trace the spatial entities with light.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 3 with neutral lighting pattern

A homogenously structured surface can be set in relationship to a similarly simple lighting pattern following the lines of the architecture and keeping the character by day and night. An option is to use wallwashers to provide uniform lighting over the entire area.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 3 with its own lighting pattern 1

If the neutral backdrop is treated as a protection screen ready to receive patterns of light, then the character of the surface will change as the light then becomes the dominant design feature. The range extends from a uniform, rhythmical division with beams of light to freely styled patterns of light employing projection techniques.

Spatial patterns and lighting patterns

Facade 3 with its own lighting pattern 2

If the neutral backdrop is treated as a protection screen ready to receive patterns of light, then the character of the surface will change as the light then becomes the dominant design feature. The range extends from a uniform, rhythmical division with beams of light to freely styled patterns of light employing projection techniques.

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Planning light

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