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Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
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Light for video conferences

Light impact and luminaire arrangements

Combining vertical and horizontal lighting

Video conferencing is a highly useful technology for personal discussions over long distances. A decisive factor for successful communication is good facial illumination. Modern camera systems are light-sensitive, but with high contrast ratios on faces or between the face and background for example, they reach their limits. The ideal lighting solution is a combination of wallwashers and horizontal general lighting.
Added value of combining vertical and horizontal lighting:
- good facial illumination
- uniform distribution of brightness for automatic camera settings
- good spatial depth effect.

Combining vertical and horizontal lighting

Video conferencing is a highly useful technology for personal discussions over long distances. A decisive factor for successful communication is good facial illumination. Modern camera systems are light-sensitive, but with high contrast ratios on faces or between the face and background for example, they reach their limits. The ideal lighting solution is a combination of wallwashers and horizontal general lighting.
Added value of combining vertical and horizontal lighting:
- good facial illumination
- uniform distribution of brightness for automatic camera settings
- good spatial depth effect.




Planning light

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