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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
  • 中文

Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz.

Surface-mounted luminaires – outdoors

In outdoor areas, surface-mounted luminaires are used due to quite pragmatic considerations: the decision in favour of lighting concepts with surface-mounted LED luminaires considerably reduces the installation complexity, for example in the case of solid ceilings or on beams. Surface-mounted luminaires are ideal for use in railway stations, airports, passageways and atriums. ERCO surface-mounted luminaires for outdoor use feature the same quality of light as luminaires for indoor applications. Luminaires for outdoor areas are also characterised by corrosion-resistant aluminium housings and, with IP65 protection, are completely weatherproof.

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Planning light

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