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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Memocorp, Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Memocorp, Sydney

Light instead of luminaires for a modern office world

In Sydney's business district, where buildings soar into the sky, modern rental offices are located high up on 259 George Street. Part of the prestigious interior design is a lighting concept that meets requirements for both maximum visual comfort and a minimalist luminaire design. Compar linear recessed luminaires from ERCO enable this flexibility of design with maximum quality of light.

The conversion carried out in November 2017 transformed the ordinary business premises on George Street into an office landscape for modern work. High quality spaces are now available above the roofs of the metropolis for future tenants. The architectural offices of Girvan Waugh was given the task of creating a flexible and efficient office environment in which employees can feel comfortable and work productively. Lighting played a major role in the design of an ergonomic and appealing office workplace. Girvan Waugh paid particular attention to high visual comfort and opted for ERCO lighting tools. Whilst traditional lighting solutions rely on ceiling grids with large-area luminaires, together with ERCO, Girvan Waugh succeeds in breaking up conventional ceiling arrangements and implementing a perception-oriented lighting concept.

Memocorp, Sydney
Memocorp, Sydney

A zonal, ceiling-integrated lighting concept instead of louvre luminaires

The lighting concept in the offices complies with Richard Kelly's lighting philosophy of creating atmosphere and using light only where needed. Upon entering the reception, the brightly lit back wall provides a warm welcome for clients and employees. This is ensured by Compar linear wallwashers which, with their compact external dimensions, blend almost invisibly into the ceiling and only come to the fore thanks to their outstanding lighting effect. For individual work at the reception desk, the Lucy task light emits wide distribution light and perfects the overall concept with its concise luminaire design. Wide-area general lighting is dispensed with in the meeting rooms; instead, nuanced light from the ceiling was installed. The combination of Compar linear downlights and wallwashers achieves high cylindrical illuminance levels. The vertical illumination of the walls at both ends of the room creates a pleasant impression of brightness and a wide perception of the space. Downlights with oval wide flood distribution illuminate the entire length of the table with their linear light beam and create uniform light for good facial recognition. In the offices, the light was installed according to zones and in relation to use. Bright vertical surfaces provide a high level of visual comfort, especially when working on screens. The walls illuminated by Compact recessed luminaires and Opton track-mounted spotlights reduce the brightness contrast between self-illuminated monitors and the surroundings, creating a calm environment for concentrated work. Compar downlights with excellent glare control and oval wide flood distribution support office activities and provide uniform, horizontal general light in the offices. Thanks to nuanced light distribution and efficient lens technology, only luminaires with a connected load of less than 20 watts are used.

Differentiated lighting for a high quality working environment

With a perception-oriented lighting concept and the principle of "light instead of luminaires", a highly efficient, glare-free working environment compliant with standards is created in the modern offices on George Street in Sydney. The project demonstrates how visual comfort contributes to a creative atmosphere, supports employees in their daily tasks and welcomes customers with prestigious light. From a technical and design point of view, modern LED luminaires such as Compar allow architects and technical planners to interpret office lighting in a completely new way.

Luminaires used

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