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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Brilliance and glare

Brilliance and glare

Brilliance occurs either through the reflection of the light source or the refraction of light. It enhances the appearance of shiny surfaces. If the luminance is very high, glare results. In print media such as this book, the actual luminance contrast cannot be reproduced. The small series of images on the opposite page illustrates how brilliance increases as the light source becomes more and more compact. The detailed views show the shape and intensity of the highlights on the surfaces.

Brilliance and glare


Balanced lighting, aimed at bringing out the best in the room, its details and materials, requires a differentiated lighting concept with various components. The architecture is emphasised by illuminating the ceiling. The concealed lighting behind the seating sets the furniture off from the wall and adds a perimeter of soft light. The focus on the tables is produced by the spotlights recessed in the ceiling. These also add highlights to the porcelain and glassware and create an atmosphere of glitter. The well-concealed luminaires ensure comfortable visual conditions by avoiding direct glare.

Brilliance and glare

Indirect lighting

The indirect ambient lighting from the ceiling gives the entire room a stronger presence. Because of the diffuse light, the objects on the table only appear slightly three-dimensional. The ceiling is reflected in the glasses. The shape of the ceiling helps the form of the glass to be discerned.

Brilliance and glare

Illuminating room details

The indirect ambient lighting from the ceiling gives the entire room a stronger presence. Because of the diffuse light, the objects on the table only appear slightly three-dimensional. The ceiling is reflected in the glasses. The shape of the ceiling helps the form of the glass to be discerned.

Brilliance and glare

Point light source

The spotlight illumination emphasises the tables, while the unlit details of the wall and ceiling surfaces recede into the background. The spotlights produce brilliant sparkle on the cutlery and crockery. Well-concealed luminaires prevent the lamps from being visible.

Brilliance and glare

Detail: Atmosphere

Balanced lighting, aimed at bringing out the best in the room, its details and materials, requires a differentiated lighting concept with various components. The architecture is emphasised by illuminating the ceiling. The concealed lighting behind the seating sets the furniture off from the wall and adds a perimeter of soft light. The focus on the tables is produced by the spotlights recessed in the ceiling. These also add highlights to the porcelain and glassware and create an atmosphere of glitter. The well-concealed luminaires ensure comfortable visual conditions by avoiding direct glare.

Brilliance and glare

Detail: Indirect lighting

The indirect ambient lighting from the ceiling gives the entire room a stronger presence. Because of the diffuse light, the objects on the table only appear slightly three-dimensional. The ceiling is reflected in the glasses. The shape of the ceiling helps the form of the glass to be discerned.

Brilliance and glare

Detail: Illuminating room details

The indirect ambient lighting from the ceiling gives the entire room a stronger presence. Because of the diffuse light, the objects on the table only appear slightly three-dimensional. The ceiling is reflected in the glasses. The shape of the ceiling helps the form of the glass to be discerned.

Brilliance and glare

Detail: Point light source

The spotlight illumination emphasises the tables, while the unlit details of the wall and ceiling surfaces recede into the background. The spotlights produce brilliant sparkle on the cutlery and crockery. Well-concealed luminaires prevent the lamps from being visible.

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