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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
  • 中文

Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz.

Public and private

The configuration of light and of the luminaires influences the atmosphere as much in public spaces as in the private sphere. In the entrance to a building, the café, the bar and the interior and exterior seating arrangements all form islands for private communication. The warm-tinted accent lighting separates the seating areas from the general thoroughfare. Pendant luminaires both in small and large formats visually identify individual areas from above. The ambient lighting is provided by a combination of diffuse light from above and wallwashers in the floor.

Public and private


The bright impression of the entire area is inviting and indicates presence and openness. The wide light distribution flows softly from one area into the next, uniting the public thoroughfare with the glazed café. The transition between horizontal and vertical lighting indicates a transparency which dissolves the barriers between city space and interior space creating unity. The ambience for the visitor to the café is largely dictated by the luminaires, which indicate that it is private space while the warm colour of the light differentiates them from the surroundings.

Public and private


Islands of light create private areas within the entire space. The brightness contrasts between the individual seating arrangements and the thoroughfare indicate that the tables are defined as a separate space for private communication. Each table is encompassed by the light from a pendant luminaire due to the low height of the light and shape of the lampshade. The pendant luminaires in the bar area have a more minimalist design and are not so dominant, engendering openness. In the outdoor area, the accent lighting of the tree enhances the secluded location.

Public and private

Public and private

Due to the lower contrast in illuminance between the café and the thoroughfare, only a slight distinction is created between the public and private areas, thereby reducing the threshold to the indoor area. Adding any additional lighting to the thorough-fares or the architecture would immediately distract the eye from the tables that are intended for private spaces. The public character is underscored and the passer-by is encouraged to overcome any apprehensions about entering the glazed area. If the type of ambient lighting in the outdoor area indicates a direction of motion, it is able to accentuate the entrance and guide pedestrians into the private area.

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Planning light

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