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Technical environment

Technical environment

Global standard 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz
Standard for USA/Canada 120V/60Hz, 277V/60Hz
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Our contents are shown to you in English. Product data is displayed for a technical region using 220V-240V/50Hz-60Hz.

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

The railway station in Holmestrand/Vestfold, inaugurated in 2016, is located inside the Holmestrandsporten tunnel, within the Holmestrandfjellet mountain.

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

The platforms are illuminated by more than 400 ERCO downlights equipped with DALI drivers, designed for an operating life of 100,000 hours.

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

The walkways leading from the entrances to the platforms inside the mountain are lit by over 200 Lightcast downlights, specially equipped with DALI drivers, and designed for an operating life of 100,000 hours and a ceiling thickness of 50mm. Additionally, approximately 50 Lightcast wallwashers, also equipped with special specifications regarding drivers and operating life, are used for vertical lighting.

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

Holmestrand Station, Vestfold

Luminaires used

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