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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) with purchasing

We practise responsible and sustainable procurement

ERCO is aware of its ethical, economic, ecological and social responsibility and practises Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as part of its corporate culture, and also in its dealings with its partners.

This aspiration should also apply to our supply partners in the diverse value chains – jointly creating values which arise in accordance with fair working conditions and not to the detriment of the environment. ERCO has formulated four binding delivery partner principles for trustful and sustainable cooperation.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Acting Fairly and Ethically

We only want to work with delivery partners who guarantee that they offer safe working conditions, deal with their employees and sub-suppliers humanely and with fairness, dignity and respect, and in every activity for ERCO assume their ecological responsibility – whether this involves manufacturing products or performing services.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Shared commitment and CSR efforts

We wish only to work with supply partners who guarantee that they exclusively act in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and define and implement guiding principles for their own social and ecological responsibility by themselves.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Human Rights, Energy, Environmental Protection, Corruption

We only want to work with delivery partners who guarantee that in the entire supply chain there is no exploitation or endangering of employees, no child labour, discrimination or corruption, no waste of energy or environmental pollution, and that human rights are entirely respected at every time and at every place.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Long-Term Cooperation

Only delivery partners who act in the sense of CSR procurement principles can be long-term partners in ERCO’s added value chain.

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